Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

The special prayer for the 1st. Friday night of Rajab


 The  Holy  Prophet  Muhammad      said  that  whoever  fasts  on  the  first  Thursday  of  Rajab  and
then  prays  the  following  prayer  between  Maghrib  and  Isha,  i.e  on  the  eve  of  Friday  (i.e  on
Laylatul Raghaib): 
  • 12 cycles in sets of two reciting Surah Al-Qadr (i.e. Inna anzalnahu fi laylatil Qadr) three times  and  Surah  Al-Ikhlas  (i.e.  Qul  huwa  Allahu  ahad)  12  times,
  • and  recites  Darood Shareef 70 times at the end of each of the 2 cycles
  • and then recites some special prayers  (found in the Ghunya)
 Allah Almighty forgives all his or her sins even if they are like the foam on the ocean, the grains of desert sand, the weight of the mountains, the drops of rain, or the leaves of trees. In addition, intercession is accepted from 700 members of this person’s family on the Day of Judgment. This prayer  will  come  in  the  form  of  a  person  to  the deceased  when he  or she  is  in  the  grave and congratulate  them  saying  that  they  have  been  granted  freedom  from  every  hardship  [in  the Hereafter]. The deceased person will ask who this person is mentioning that he or she has not
seen  a  person  more  handsome,  nor  heard  a  voice  more  sweet  nor  smelt  a  person  more fragranced. Upon this the person will respond that he is this [Rajab] prayer that the person had done  and  had  come  to  take  care  of  his  or  her  needs  and  be  his  or  her  companion  in  their loneliness  and  time  of  anxiety  [in  the  Barzakh].  Furthermore  when  the  trumpet  is  blown  this prayer will be a shade on the deceased in the Plain of Hashr and good news to the performer of this prayer that Allah Almighty does not overlook any good deed. 

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